Table of Contents

Grouped by functionality


IsArray : returns true if a variable represents an array type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

LBound : returns the lower bound of an array

UBound : returns the upper bound of an array

Dim, Private, Public, Protected : declaration and initalization of an array

ReDim : free, resize or declaration and initalization of an array

Erase : free an array


Asc : Returns the ASCII code for a character.

Chr : Returns the ASCII character corresponding to the value of VAL.


CBool : CBOOL converts any number to a boolean.

IsBoolean : returns true if a variable represents a boolean type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


CByte : CBYTE converts any number to a byte.

IsByte : returns true if a variable represents a byte type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


DateTime : It is useful to operate on dates and times.

Date : DATE$ returns the current system date as a string or as date (depending on mode). www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Time : TIME$ returns the current system time as a string. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


For Next : Defines a loop that runs for a specified number of times.

If : single decision possibility

IIf : returns a value depending on an expression

On Error : jumps to desired label or line if an error occured www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

On...GoSub : jumps to the desired sub www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

On...GoTo : jumps to another line or label depending on an expression www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Select Case : Multi-line conditional selection statement.

Switch : returns a value depending on an expression


CDbl : CDBL converts any number to a double.

IsDouble : returns true if a variable represents a double type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


CVErr : returns a user defined error www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

End : ends the execution of a program immediately

Erl : returns the line in which the last error occured www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Err : as for VeryOldBasic returns the runtime error code, as for OldBasic it is an object for error handling www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Error : simulates an error www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsError : returns true if the expression represents an error type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

On Error : jumps to desired label or line if an error occured www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Resume : continues execution after an error occured www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Stop : stops the running program

Try : TRY CATCH statement


File : It is useful to access the file system obtaining information about files and manupaling them.

Dir : It is useful to access the file system obtaining information about directories or files and manupaling them.

ChDir : changes the current directory to new one www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

ChDrive : changes to another current drive www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Close : close opened file www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

CurDir : returns the current path www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Dir : DIR www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

EOF : returns true if end of file has been reached www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

FileAttr : returns the access mode for an opened file www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

FileCopy : copies a file from source to destination

FileLen : returns the length of a file in bytes

FreeFile : returns the next free available file handle www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Get : reads a record from file www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

GetAttr : returns attributes of files or directories www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Kill : Deletes a file specified by a filename. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Line Input : reads line of text from file into variable www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

LOF : returns the length of a file in bytes www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

MkDir : create a new directory www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Name : NAME renames a file or a directory www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Open : needed to open files www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Open : needed to open files (alternate syntax) www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Put : writes a record from file www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Reset : closes all files www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

RmDir : deletes a complete directory www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Seek : returns the current position in file or set the new position in file www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Shell : send command to environment

Write : Writes data to screen or file www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


CInt : CINT converts any number to an integer.

Int : returns the next integer number ⇐ given number

IsInteger : returns true if a variable represents a integer type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsLong : returns true if a variable represents a long type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsShort : returns true if a variable represents a short type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsSingle : returns true if a variable represents a single type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsString : returns true if a variable represents a string type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsVariant : returns true if a variable represents a variant type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


Do...Loop Until : repeats until a condition is set

Do...Loop While : repeats statements while condition is set

Do Until...Loop : A group of statements enabling you to define a loop which will be repeated until a certain condition remains true.

Do While...Loop : A group of statements enabling you to define a loop which will be repeated until a certain condition remains true.

Exit Do : breaks out of a loop

Exit For : breaks out of a for loop

Exit Function : exits a function www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Exit Sub : exits a sub www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

For Next : Defines a loop that runs for a specified number of times.

Iterate Do : continues to iterate a loop if condition is set

Iterate For : continues to iterate a for loop if condition is set

While...End While : WHILE initiates a WHILE END WHILE loop. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

While...WEnd : WHILE initiates a WHILE-WEND loop. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


Inkey : INKEY reads the status of the keyboard, and a single keypress, if available. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Input : combined screen output and keyboard input www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


CLng : CLNG converts any number to a long.

IsLong : returns true if a variable represents a long type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


Do...Loop Until : repeats until a condition is set

Do...Loop While : repeats statements while condition is set

Do Until...Loop : A group of statements enabling you to define a loop which will be repeated until a certain condition remains true.

Do While...Loop : A group of statements enabling you to define a loop which will be repeated until a certain condition remains true.

Exit Do : breaks out of a loop

Exit For : breaks out of a for loop

Exit Function : exits a function www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Exit Sub : exits a sub www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Iterate Do : continues to iterate a loop if condition is set

While...End While : WHILE initiates a WHILE END WHILE loop. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

While...WEnd : WHILE initiates a WHILE-WEND loop. www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


Abs : Returns the absolute value of an argument.

Str : Convert number to string

Val : VAL returns the numerical value of the string$.


IsShort : returns true if a variable represents a short type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg


IsSingle : returns true if a variable represents a single type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

CSng : CSNG converts any number to a single.


Data : represents data inside your program, old style of static arrays www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Dim : declares a variable in current scope

Input : combined screen output and keyboard input www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

InputBox : input box on screen

IsCurrency : returns true if expression is a currency www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsObject : returns true if expression is an object www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

LBound : returns the lower bound of an array

MsgBox : print message in dialog box on screen

New : creates a object based on a class

Nz : changes to expression from null to nullstring, if needed

Print : output information on screen www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Read : reads data www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

ReDim : redeclares a variable in current scope

Restore : reset position for reading data www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

UBound : returns the upper bound of an array

Using : Prints strings or numbers using a specified format


IsArray : returns true if a variable represents an array type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsCurrency : returns true if expression is a currency www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsEmpty : returns true if expression represents a empty value www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsError : returns true if the expression represents an error type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsNull : returns true if expression represents a null value www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsNumeric : returns true if expression represents a numeric value www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsObject : returns true if expression is an object www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

IsVariant : returns true if a variable represents a variant type www.kbasic.com_images_vb6.jpg

Nz : changes to expression from null to nullstring, if needed


How a comment should be

Some description here…


some code

Written by AUTHOR

Date 2007-02-22