Table of Contents



Provides common functionality for all controls



A form itself is a control, which is a window with controls.

This is the parent class of all forms providing common functionallity for all forms. It receives mouse, keyboard and other events from the window system, and paints a representation of itself on the screen.

In your KBasic-application forms are not only masks for inputting and changing data, but they are the graphical interface of your application. In the eyes of the beholder, they are the application! By creating your application using forms, you control the program flow with events, which are raised in the forms.

Central meaning of forms: Each form in a KBasic application has got a form module with event procedures. Those event procedures react on events raised in the form. Additionally, every module can contain other non-event procedures.

A form module is part of every form, when you copy a form, its form module is automatically copied, too. If you delete a form, its form module is deleted as well. KBasic creates a form module automatically. So you need only to write the event procedures and other procedures.

Forms keep your KBasic program together!

The control class contains functionallity for both controls and forms. Some of it makes only sense when working with forms, others when working with non-form controls.

Override the event methods of Control, when you would like to implement your own controls for display data or interact with the user. Normally, you override OnPaint(…) at least.

' opening a form
Dim f As bernd ' assume that bernd is a form class created with the form designer
f = New bernd

' OR

Forms.Open("bernd") ' for this call you must setup mainwindow in projects properties

Since KBasic V1.6 (k) all forms are automatically declared as global variables accessable from everywhere. So if you had a form named 'myForm', you could use it like this

' code somewhere in your module or other form module

myForm.Open ' if myForm is already opened, it is shown and get the focus only
myForm.Caption = "hello"



A control for the form object, provides a push button or even an option button.

The command button, or push button, is perhaps the most commonly used control in any graphical user interface. Push (click) a button to command the computer to perform some action, or to answer a question. Typical buttons are OK, Apply, Cancel, Close, Yes, No and Help.

A command button is rectangular and typically displays a text label describing its action. An underlined character in the label (signified by preceding it with an ampersand in the text) indicates an accelerator key. Command buttons can display a textual label or an icon.

It is possible to add auto-exclusive behaviour for controls with the same group.


Implemented since KBasic V1.8

A control for the form object, provides a Vista style command link button.

The command button, or push button, is perhaps the most commonly used control in any graphical user interface. Push (click) a button to command the computer to perform some action, or to answer a question. Typical buttons are OK, Apply, Cancel, Close, Yes, No and Help.

It is possible to add auto-exclusive behaviour for controls with the same group.


Implemented since KBasic V1.79.

A control for the form object, provides a push button in tool style.

The command button, or push button, is perhaps the most commonly used control in any graphical user interface. Push


Implemented since KBasic V1.77.

A control for the form object, provides a push button with image effects or even an option button with image effects.

It is possible to add checkable behaviour for controls with the same group.



A control for the form object, provides a text or image display or even an clickable underlined HTML label.

It is used for displaying text or an image. No user interaction functionality is provided. You can display HTML text with it too.



A control for the form object, provides a checkbox with a text label.

It can be switched on (checked) or off (unchecked). It is possible to add auto-exclusive behaviour for controls with the same group.



A control for the form object, provides a radio button.

It can be switched on (checked) or off (unchecked). It is possible to add auto-exclusive behaviour for controls with the same group.



A control for the form object, is an one-line text editor.

It allows the user to enter and edit a single line of plain text with a useful collection of editing functions, including undo and redo, cut and paste, and drag and drop.



A control for the form object, provides a group box frame with a title.



A control for the form object, is a combined button and popup list.

A combobox is a selection control which displays the current item and can pop up a list of items. Comboboxes provide a means of showing the user's current choice out of a list of options in a way that takes up the minimum amount of screen space.



A control for the form object, provides a list of selectable, read-only items.

This is typically a single-column list in which either no item or one item is selected, but it can also be used in many other ways.

If you need a multi-column list, please use the TreeView control as shown in the list view example project of KBasic.



A control for the form object for editing dates.

It allows the user to edit dates by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase and decrease date values. Dates appear in accordance with the format set.



A control for the form object for editing times.

It allows the user to edit times by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase and decrease time values. Times appear in accordance with the format set.



A control for the form object for editing dates and times.

It allows the user to edit dates and times by using the keyboard or the arrow keys to increase and decrease date and time values. Dates and times appear in accordance with the format set.



Implemented since KBasic V1.7.


Formely, named “Movie” before V1.82.

Implemented since KBasic V1.7.



Formely, named “Tab” before V1.81.


Formely, named “Image” before V1.82.

A control for the form object, provides an image representation.


A control providing information in a tree structure. It might be used as list view as well, because you can create lists with several columns, but the coding is the same.


The Qt documentation in C++ of this class (QTreeWidget) can be read here:

A control providing information in a list structure. It is actually a TreeView.


Your form contains of TreeView1 (control type TreeView).

Sub Form_OnOpen()

  TreeView1.SetHeaderLabel("name", 0)
  TreeView1.SetHeaderLabel("age", 1)
  TreeView1.SetHeaderLabel("city", 2)
  TreeView1.SetHeaderLabel("cat", 3)
  Dim id As Integer 
  Dim i As Integer 
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(0, 200)
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(1, 100)
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(2, 100)
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(3, 100)
   i = i + 1
   If i > 10 Then Goto r
   id = TreeView1.AppendChild("")
   TreeView1.SetCaption(id, 0, "bernd" & i)
   TreeView1.SetCaption(id, 1, "28" & i)
   TreeView1.SetCaption(id, 2, "Frankfurt" & i)
   TreeView1.SetCaption(id, 3, "Balthasar" & i)
   TreeView1.SetIcon(id, 0, "button_ok.png")
  Loop While( True )
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(0, 200)
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(1, 100)
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(2, 100)
  TreeView1.SetColumnWidth(3, 100)

End Sub 


The Qt documentation in C++ of this class (QWidget) can be read here:

A control for the form object, which provides a with custom color filled rectangle. Useful for separating controls.

Please read the control class overview Control as well.

You might want to use it to override the event methods of Control, when you would like to implement your own controls for display data or interact with the user. Normally, you override OnPaint(…) at least.


Your form contains of Box0 (control type Box).

Sub Box0_OnPaint(X As Integer, Y As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer)
  Painter.DrawRect(11, 22, 33, 44)
End Sub

Not implemented yet:




A control for the form object, provides a horizontal progress bar.

A progress bar is used to give the user an indication of the progress of an operation and to reassure them that the application is still running. The progress bar uses the concept of steps; you give it the total number of steps and the number of steps completed so far and it will display the percentage of steps that have been completed.


Formely, named “Editor ” before V1.82.

A control for the form object, provides a powerful single-page rich text editor.


Formely, named “Web” before V1.82.

A control for the form object, provides a powerful full-featured web browser.


Formely, named “Browser” before V1.82.

A control for the form object, provides a powerful single-page HTML viewer. If you are looking for a full-featured web-browser, take a look at WebView.


Implemented since KBasic V1.8

The Qt documentation in C++ of this class (QSizeGrip) can be read here:

A control for the form object, which provides a resize handle for resizing top-level windows.

Please read the control class overview Control as well.


Formely, named “Svg” before V1.82.

Implemented since KBasic V1.8

A control for the form object, provides an image representation.


Implemented since KBasic V1.81

A control for the form object, provides a vertical or horizontal slider.


Implemented since KBasic V1.82

A control for the form object, provides a vertical or horizontal scroll bar.


Implemented since KBasic V1.81

A control for the form object, allows the user to choose a value by clicking the up/down buttons or pressing up/down on the keyboard to increase/decrease the value currently displayed.

The Qt documentation in C++ of this class can be read here:

A control for the menubar object, provides a powerful access to menubar items.

Use the following static function of the class MenuBar to get the menubar item of the current menubar.

Dim i As MenuBarItem = MenuBar.MenuBarItem("File")
i.Enabled = True

Since KBasic V1.6 (k) all menubaritems are automatically declared as global variables accessable from everywhere. So if you would have a menubaritem named 'openfile', you could use it like this openfile.Enabled = False

Properties are

Same as Caption. Provided for easy-use.

An icon can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.

Might be a String containing binary data. See the binary project example for using.

Default keys are

HelpContentsOpen help contents
WhatsThisActivate whats this.
OpenOpen Document.
CloseClose Document/Tab.
SaveSave Document.
NewCreate new Document.
BackNavigate back.
ForwardNavigate forward.
RefreshRefresh or reload current document.
ZoomInZoom in.
ZoomOutZoom out.
PrintPrint document.
AddTabAdd new tab.
NextChildNavigate to next tab or child window.
PreviousChildNavigate to previous tab or child window.
FindFind in document.
FindNextFind next result.
FindPreviousFind previous result.
ReplaceFind and replace.
SelectAllSelect all text.
BoldBold text.
ItalicItalic text.
UnderlineUnderline text.
MoveToNextCharMove cursor to next character.
MoveToPreviousCharMove cursor to previous character.
MoveToNextWordMove cursor to next word.
MoveToPreviousWordMove cursor to previous word.
MoveToNextLineMove cursor to next line.
MoveToPreviousLineMove cursor to previous line.
MoveToNextPageMove cursor to next page.
MoveToPreviousPageMove cursor to previous page.
MoveToStartOfLineMove cursor to start of line.
MoveToEndOfLineMove cursor to end of line.
MoveToStartOfBlockMove cursor to start of a block. This shortcut is only used on OS X.
MoveToEndOfBlockMove cursor to end of block. This shortcut is only used on the OS X.
MoveToStartOfDocumentMove cursor to start of document.
MoveToEndOfDocumentMove cursor to end of document.
SelectNextCharExtend selection to next character.
SelectPreviousCharExtend selection to previous character.
SelectNextWordExtend selection to next word.
SelectPreviousWordExtend selection to previous word.
SelectNextLineExtend selection to next line.
SelectPreviousLineExtend selection to previous line.
SelectNextPageExtend selection to next page.
SelectPreviousPageExtend selection to previous page.
SelectStartOfLineExtend selection to start of line.
SelectEndOfLineExtend selection to end of line.
SelectStartOfBlockExtend selection to the start of a text block. This shortcut is only used on OS X.
SelectEndOfBlockExtend selection to the end of a text block. This shortcut is only used on OS X.
SelectStartOfDocumentExtend selection to start of document.
SelectEndOfDocumentExtend selection to end of document.
DeleteStartOfWordDelete the beginning of a word up to the cursor.
DeleteEndOfWordDelete word from the end of the cursor.

Events are

This event is raised, whenever the user click on the menubar item.

The following features are implemented since KBasic V1.6 (m)

Properties are

Adds exclusively radiobutton-like checked/unchecked behaviour.

The following features are implemented since KBasic V1.6 (n)

Properties are

Possible values are NoRole, TextHeuristicRole, ApplicationSpecificRole, AboutQtRole, AboutRole, PreferencesRole, QuitRole

This describes how an menibaritem should be moved into the application menu on Mac OS X.

The following features are implemented since KBasic V1.76


The Qt documentation in C++ of this class can be read here:

A control for the toolbar object, provides a powerful access to toolbar items.

Use the following static function of the class ToolBar to get the toolbar item of the desired toolbar.

Since KBasic V1.6 (k) all toolbaritems are automatically declared as global variables accessable from everywhere. So if you would have a toolbaritem named 'openfile', you could use it like this openfile.Enabled = False

Dim i As ToolBarItem = ToolBar.ToolBarItem("File")
i.Enabled = True

Properties are

An icon can be an absolute path to an image file (png, jpg,…) like c:\myfolder\myimage.png or can be an relative path to the current project like myimage.png (which is present in the current project directory). Relative paths are recommended.

Might be a String containing binary data. See the binary project example for using.

Events are

This event is raised, whenever the user click on the toolbar item.

The following features are implemented since KBasic V1.6 (n)

Properties are

Adds exclusively radiobutton-like checked/unchecked behaviour.

Same as Caption. Provided for easy-use.

Possible values are WhatsThis

This determines if the it displays an arrow instead of a normal icon. Be sure that you do not set the icon to show the arrow.

Possible values are NoArrow, UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow

Possible values are DelayedPopup, MenuButtonPopup, InstantPopup

The following features are implemented since KBasic V1.76


The class Report is used to print database tables. It is based on the class Form.

Please read the class overview of Form as well.

Methods are


' printing a report
Dim f As bernd ' assume that bernd is a report created with the report designer
f = New bernd

' or use f.OpenPrint()

A control used in reports only. Useful for creating sections on report pages. Not accessable from code.

A control used in reports only. Useful for creating sections on report pages. Not accessable from code.



The SerialPort control is based on QextSerialPort, a cross-platform serial port class. The original documentation about serial programming can be read here:

A control for the serial communication, provides a powerful access to devices like rs232.

The polling technique is used to communicate, which means that, read() and write() are acting synchronously.

Whenever POSIX is mentioned, it refers to Linux and Mac.

Checkout the serialport example comming with KBasic.

Please note: The control SerialPort is still in beta, this basically means it might be not without bugs, and I really want to get your feedback on it. If there is anything you like, don't like, or don't understand, please let me know. Yet several people reported that it works as expected.

Methods are

Important. All settings have to be set before calling “Open”. After that PortName, BaudRate and the other settings must not be changed.

Flushes all pending I/O to the serial port. This function has no effect if the serial port associated with the class is not currently open.

The function BytesWritten() returns the number of bytes waiting in the port's receive queue. This function will return 0 if the port is not currently open, or -1 on error. Error information can be retrieved by calling LastError().

Reads a block of data from the serial port. This function will read at most maxlen bytes from the serial port and place them in the buffer pointed to by data. Return value of the function BytesRead() is the number of bytes actually read, or -1 on error.

Before calling this function ensure that serial port associated with this class is currently open (use IsOpen() function to check if port is open).

AnyType may be Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Single or Double.

Writes a block of data to the serial port. This function will write len bytes from the buffer pointed to by data to the serial port. The function BytesWritten() returns the number of bytes actually written, or -1 on error.

Before calling this function ensure that serial port associated with this class is currently open (use IsOpen() function to check if port is open).

AnyType may be Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Single or Double.

This function will read a line of buffered input from the port, stopping when either maxSize bytes have been read, the port has no more data available, or a newline is encountered. The value returned by the function BytesRead() is the length of the string that was read.

This function will write a line.

Don't forget to add the line endings to your string Chr(13) & Chr(10)

Sets DTR line to the requested state. This function will have no effect if the port associated with the class is not currently open.

Sets RTS line to the requested state. This function will have no effect if the port associated with the class is not currently open.

This function will return true if the input buffer is empty (or on error), and false otherwise.

Each function returns the line status of the individual line. If it is True, the specified line is set high.

Returns the line status as stored by the port function. This function will retrieve the states of the following lines: DCD, CTS, DSR, and RI. The value returned is a comma-separated list with specific bits indicating which lines are high. The return value should be used to examine the states of individual lines, e.g. return value might be CTS, DSR

This function will return an empty String if the port associated with the class is not currently open.



NO_ERRORNo Error has occured
INVALID_FDInvalid file descriptor (port was not opened correctly)
NO_MEMORYUnable to allocate memory tables (POSIX)
CAUGHT_NON_BLOCKED_SIGNALCaught a non-blocked signal (POSIX)
PORT_TIMEOUTOperation timed out (POSIX)
INVALID_DEVICEThe file opened by the port is not a character device (POSIX)
BREAK_CONDITIONThe port detected a break condition
FRAMING_ERRORThe port detected a framing error (usually caused by incorrect baud rate settings)
IO_ERRORThere was an I/O error while communicating with the port
BUFFER_OVERRUNCharacter buffer overrun
RECEIVE_OVERFLOWReceive buffer overflow
RECEIVE_PARITY_ERRORThe port detected a parity error in the received data
TRANSMIT_OVERFLOWTransmit buffer overflow
READ_FAILEDGeneral read operation failure
WRITE_FAILEDGeneral write operation failure

* Function LastErrorText () As String

Returns a description to the error raised.

Properties are

/dev/tty01DIGITAL UNIX
/dev/tty02DIGITAL UNIX

Other values may be possible depending on your target platform.

Sets the baud rate of the serial port. Note that not all rates are applicable on all platforms. The following table shows translations of the various baud rate constants on Windows and POSIX platforms. Speeds marked with an * are speeds that are usable on both Windows and POSIX.

RateWindows SpeedPOSIX SpeedLimits
BAUD180012001800POSIX ONLY
BAUD14400144009600WINDOWS ONLY
BAUD560005600038400WINDOWS ONLY
BAUD768005760076800POSIX ONLY
BAUD128000128000115200WINDOWS ONLY
BAUD256000256000115200WINDOWS ONLY
DATA_55 data bits
DATA_66 data bits
DATA_77 data bits
DATA_88 data bits

5 data bits cannot be used with 2 stop bits. 1.5 stop bits can only be used with 5 data bits. 8 data bits cannot be used with space parity on POSIX systems.

FLOW_OFFNo flow control
FLOW_HARDWAREHardware (RTS/CTS) flow control
FLOW_XONXOFFSoftware (XON/XOFF) flow control
PAR_ODDOdd Parity
PAR_EVENEven Parity
STOP_11 stop bit
STOP_1_51.5 stop bits, WINDOWS ONLY
STOP_22 stop bits

2 stop bits cannot be used with 5 data bits. 1.5 stop bits cannot be used with 6 or more data bits. POSIX does not support 1.5 stop bits.

Sets the read and write timeouts for the port to millisec milliseconds. Setting 0 indicates that timeouts are not used for read nor write operations. Setting -1 indicates that read and write should return immediately.

Calls OnEvent after PollingInterval milli seconds and if only data is available to read.

PollingInterval = 1000 means 1 second

Events are


Formely, named “ChildControl” before V1.81.

Currently, you can only use a name of a form for displaying a child form in another form.

The property “Value” contains the name of the child control.

Methods are

If you use a formview with sql statements, the parent form must not be in TableView mode. The form used in the formview must be set to TableView mode.


  ' change backgroundcolor in blue
  FormView1.Background = "Blue" ' WRONG! a child control is a place holder for a form only

  Dim f As Form =   FormView1.Form() ' RIGHT! Get the form of the child control and use this for changing properties
  f.Background = "Blue" ' change backgroundcolor in blue

  Dim l As Label = f.Control("Label2")
  l.Caption = "Donnerstag" ' change the caption of the label in the sub form

  ' OR other example the name of the child form 
  Dim f As Form =   FormView1.Form()
  f.Background = "Red"
  Print f.Background
  Dim t As TextBox 
  t = f.Control("TextBox0")
  Print t.Value 

Not implemented yet:


Implemented since KBasic V1.8

Displaying children forms in another form.

Methods are

Not implemented yet:

Properties are

Methods are


The Qt documentation in C++ of this class (QFrame) can be read here:

A control for the form object, which provides a custom color filled line. Useful for separating controls.

Please read the control class overview Control as well.

Implemented since KBasic V1.75.

Properties are

Possible values are Vertical, Horizontal

Constanst are


Implemented since KBasic V1.8

The Qt documentation in C++ of this class (QToolBar) can be read here:

Please read the control class overview Control as well.

The property “Value” contains the name of the toolbar to be shown (“myToolBar” is not allowed).

Methods are

Dim i As ToolBarItem = ToolBarView1.ToolBarItem("File")
i.Enabled = True

Events are


Implemented since KBasic V1.89

The Qt documentation in C++ of this class (QUdpSocket) can be read here:

Please read the control class overview Control as well.

For each IP you would like to communicate, create a new udpsocket control. (For a server you need a UdpSocket control and for a client.)

Properties are

Possible values are LocalHost, LocalHostIPv6, Broadcast, Any, AnyIPv6 or any IP address.

Methods are

Used for writing a server. Tell your program, to listen for Host and Port.

Used for writing a client. Tell your program, to write to Host and Port (properties of the control).

Used for writing a client.

Possible values are ConnectionRefusedError, RemoteHostClosedError, HostNotFoundError, SocketAccessError, SocketResourceError, SocketTimeoutError, DatagramTooLargeError, NetworkError, AddressInUseError, SocketAddressNotAvailableError, UnsupportedSocketOperationError, ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError, SslHandshakeFailedError, UnfinishedSocketOperationError, ProxyConnectionRefusedError, ProxyConnectionClosedError, ProxyConnectionTimeoutError, ProxyNotFoundError, ProxyProtocolError, UnknownSocketError,

Use this function when OnError has been raised only.

Use this function when OnError has been raised only.

Events are

Called whenever data arrives ready for reading or writing.

Implemented since KBasic V1.89(i):